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\section{Overview}\label{sec:intro}  This document presents a parametric model to help design an Interferometric Array. One aspect of Array Design is It focuses in  the value vs. cost trade-off inherent to many of its parameters. architecture definitions.  This is a Multiple Objective problem. This document describes design parameters to consider  in \S~\ref{sec:var} and a set of equations for value and  cost objectives in \S~\ref{sec:obj}. A spreadsheet that uses these design parameters and produces a CSV file for analysis of the emerging Pareto Front is introduced in \S~\ref{sec:spreadsheet}. Thiscode  output enables the of Multiple Objective Visual Analytics (MOVA) for complex engineered systems as proposed in \cite{mova}. \section{Parameters}\label{sec:var}  This section presents selected design parameters that influence selected objectives in \S~\ref{sec:obj}.  \subsection{Antenna Aspects} Parameters}  We will select design parameters that apply to many antenna types, including offset Gregorian and symmetric Cassegrain.   \subsubsection{Antenna Collecting Area}  We will use $A$ in this document as each array element collecting area (thus we could also write $\pi \cdot D^2$, with $D$ being the dish diameter).  \subsubsection{Efficiency} \subsubsection{Antenna Efficiency}  We will use $\eta_a$ in this document as the antenna efficiency with   \begin{equation}\label{eq:antenna_efficiency}  \eta_a = \eta_{\text{surface eff.}} \cdot \eta_{\text{aperture blockage}} \cdot \eta_{\text{feed spillover eff.}} \cdot \eta_{\text{illumination taper eff.}}  \end{equation} as defined in \cite{antenna}.  \subsubsection{Quantity} \subsubsection{Antenna Quantity}  We will use $N$ in this document as the number of array elements.  \subsection{Antenna Pad Aspects}  \subsubsection{Quantity} Parameters}  \subsubsection{Pad Quantity}  We will use $P$ in this document as the number of pad built for the array. In case re-configuration of the array is envisioned, there might be a bigger number of pads ready for aperture connection to the system.  \subsubsection{Position} \subsubsection{Pad Position}  We will use the geographic latitudes and longitudes to establish pad location in this document. We will calculate the length of the possible baselines using pad positions. We will also calculate length and complexity of the roads, fiber and power networks needed using pad positions. We will use $B$ as the maximum array element separation in any single configuration.  \subsection{Receiver Aspects}  \subsubsection{Bandwidth} \subsection{Reciever System Parameters}  \subsubsection{Number of Receivers per Array Element}  We will use $R$ as the number of frequency bands, being $R_i$ the different frequency bands. If the array bandwidth is $\lambda_{max} - \lambda_{min}$, it is useful for our analysis to use wavelength $\lambda = \lambda_{min}$.  \subsubsection{Temperature}  \subsubsection{Efficiency} Notes: high bandwidth ration: up to 7 might be practical, but could compromise Ae/Tsys. High absolute bandwidth is challenging for digitalization. up to 20GHz might be practical.  \subsubsection{Receivers Efficiency}  \subsubsection{Signal Processing and Transmision Parameters}  \subsubsubsection{Downconversion Scheme}  Notes: directly at RF (no reference), single sideband down conversion (LO and timing reference), double sideband (IQ) down conversion (two LO, two references, LO tunable.  \subsubsubsection{Instantaneus bandwidth}  \subsubsubsection{Quantization}  Bits per sample (dynamic range)  \subsection{Correlator Aspects}  \subsubsection{Position}  We will geographic latitude and longitude to establish correlator location in this document. We will calculate fiber, power and road network aspects based in this information.