Demian Arancibia edited untitled.tex  almost 9 years ago

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\subsubsection{Collecting Area}  \subsection{Pad Aspects}  \subsubsection{Quantity}  In case re-configuration of the array is envisioned, there might be a bigger number of pads ready for aperture connection to the system.  \subsubsection{Position}  The challengue of positions has been addressed in x, y and z.  \subsection{Receiver Aspects}  \subsubsection{Bandwidth}  \subsubsection{Temperature} 

\subsubsection{Efficiency}  \section{Objectives}\label{sec:obj}  This section aims to include array performance objectives that might be influenced by design variables in \S~\ref{sec:var}.  \subsection{Minimize Brightness \subsection{Brightness  Sensitivity Limit} An overall measure of performance is the System Equivalent Flux Density, $SEFD$, defined as the flux density of a source that would deliver the same amount of power (see \cite{sensitivity2}):   \begin{equation}\label{eq:system_equivalent_flux_density}  SEFD = {\frac{T_{sys}}{\frac{\eta_a A}{2k_B}}} 

\Delta I_m = {\frac{1}{\eta_s }}{\frac{SEFD}{\sqrt{(N(N-1) \Delta \nu t_{int}}}}   \end{equation}  in units of Janskys per synthesized beam area with $\eta_s$ most important factor being correlator efficiency $\eta_c = \frac{\text{correlator sensitivity}}{\text{sesitivity of a perfect analog correlator having the same } t_{int}}$ (see \cite{sensitivity}).  \subsection{}  \subsection{Operations Costs}  \subsubsection{Components reliability}  \subsubsection{Maintenance complexity}