IPython Notebooks

Another very popular solution among scientists for bundling together research data, analysis, and code is the IPython Notebook. IPython NB is a web-based interactive computational environment where you can combine code execution, text, mathematics, plots and rich media into individual documents. These documents can now be imported, visualized and executed within Authorea! herh er hreh r

So, if you already use IPython Notebook to collect all your analysis and generate your plots, you can now include these notebooks in your published articles on Authorea. Below, in Figure \ref{fig:2}, we show a plot generated by Python code which uses the SymPy, Numpy and Matplotlib packages to perform symbolic manipulations. It is a numerical visualization of symbolically constructed expressions.

If you hover on the figure below, you will notice a link in the lower left corner: Launch IPython. By clicking it, you will launch an environment where you can visualize and interact with this plot (follow the instructions). For example, you can change the parameters that were used to generate it and see it change interactively. You can also download the entire Notebook and play it with it locally.