Fig. \ref{fig:force_on_neighbor} shows the radial force exerted on a neighboring \(\mathrm{Cu}\) atom closest to \(\mathrm{H^+}\) trajectory as a function of parallel distance to the projectile at different projectile velocities along the \(\langle 100\rangle\) channeling trajectory. The forces on the nuclei are evaluated using the time-dependent electron density, \(n(\mathbf{r}, t)\). The adiabatic force is recovered for \(v \to 0\) with no oscillations as expected. The maximum value for the force is obtained at the closest distance between the \(\mathrm{H^+}\) and a neighbor \(\mathrm{Cu}\) atom. As the proton moves further from the \(\mathrm{Cu}\) atom, the force decreases and eventually reduces to zero. As the velocity increases the position of the maximum value of the force first shifts and later results in persistent oscillations. The existence of plasma oscillations is detected in our simulations by persistent charge motion above a certain threshold velocity of \(v \simeq 1.0~\mathrm{a.u.}\). These plasma oscillations affect the components forces over individual \(\mathrm{Cu}\) atoms near the trajectory of the passing hydrogen (Fig. \ref{fig:force_on_neighbor}). These forces persist (and oscillate) even after the proton has passed.