Chuck Pepe-Ranney edited Results.tex  almost 10 years ago

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The biofilm versus planktonic grouping is statistically significant by the adonis test \cite{Anderson_2001} for both the bacterial and algal libraries(p-values 0.006 and 0.001, respectively). The environment type (biofilm or plankton) vector represents 18\% and 36\% of variance for pairwise sample distances in bacterial and algal libraries, respectively.   \subsubsection{Community membership, high carbon}  Twenty-seven OTUs were differentially abundant at a false discovery rate of 10\% when comparing the high carbon treatment against all other libraries (F7). Tweleve of the 27 differentially abundant OTUs were annotated in the \textit{Gammaproteobacteria}. The next highest class-level annotation for high carbon differentially abundant OTUs was \text{Epsilonproteobacteria} at 6. Only one Eleven of  the differentially abundant \textit{Gammaproteobacteria} OTUs were enriched in the high-carbon libraries. These 11 fell into at least 4 different orders. Only 1 OTU from  the 27 was enriched in non-high carbon libraries, a gammaproteobacterium annotated as belonging in the \textit{HTCC2188} candidate class.  pass order.