Omar Laurino edited Built in functionality.tex  about 10 years ago

Commit id: 47566d078811d5ebf5fa56760dc2c183fe8e0d28

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With all of the data uploaded, the user may switch the spectral and flux units; Iris takes care of all unit conversions once the data is read in. Before starting a fitting session, the she wants to remove from the SED data without flux uncertainty measurements. The user opens the Metadata Browser from the plotting display (SED Viewer), switches to the Data tab, and types a Python-expression into the Boolean filter to highlight the points whose error measuments are above 0 (i.e. points that have uncertainty measurements). With the desired data points hilgihted in the window, the user clicks ``Create new SED;'' this adds another SED to the SED Builder, which is managed separately from our original dataset.  At this point, the user chooses to shift the SED to restframe. PKS 1127-14 is at redshift $z=1.18$. The user opens up the Science tool by clicking the ``Shift, Interpolate, Integrate'' icon on the Iris desktop; under ``Redshift,'' she types $``1.18''$ $1.18$  into the Initial field, and leaves 0 in the Final box, finally creating a new SED in the restframe. The user decides to save the SED they built to a file. SEDs are saved in VO-compliant FITS or VOTable formats which can be re-read into Iris or other programs (e.g. TOPCAT; IDL or Python interpreters). Users can save all of the metadata associated with the SEDs, or choose to save just the spectral, flux and flux uncertainties in a simplier format.