James Shirley generating latex version of article  about 11 years ago

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\section{BayesC In CUDA}  CUDA gives the programmer flexibility in how they parallelize their code. It provides powerful thread level parallelism that allows effective "unrolling" of loops and running each iteration simultaneously (conceptually). We targeted the inner loop which samples the effect each loci has for parallelization.  \subsection{Loci Parallelization Overview}  \begin{enumerate}  \item Move Genotype and Phenotype data to GPU  \item Launch kernel with one thread for each loci.  \item Reform Matrices and Vectors on the GPU  \item Compute effect of the loci  \item Move data back to CPU  \end{enumerate}  \subsection{CUDA Library Usage}  A shortcoming of the current CUDA architecture is that kernels can not launch other kernels and so.           

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