David Koes added missing citations to bibliography  about 8 years ago

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pubmed_id = {26085707},  }  @misc{moe,  title={Molecular title = {{Molecular  Operating Environment (MOE)},  author={Chemical (MOE)}},  author = {Chemical  Computing Group}, year={2016},  publisher={Chemical year = {2016},  publisher = {Chemical  Computing Group Inc. Montreal, QC} QC},  }  @article{vams,  title = {{Shape-based virtual screening with volumetric aligned molecular shapes.}},  date = {2014 Sep 30}, 

title = {{Open Babel: An open chemical toolbox}},  journal = {Journal of Cheminformatics},  }  @article{Wang_2000,  doi = {10.1007/s0089400060498},  url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s0089400060498},  year = {2000},  month = {aug},  publisher = {Springer Science $\mathplus$ Business Media},  volume = {6},  number = {7-8},  pages = {498--516},  author = {Renxiao Wang and Ying Gao and Luhua Lai},  title = {{{LigBuilder}: A Multi-Purpose Program for Structure-Based Drug Design}},  journal = {Journal of Molecular Modeling},  }