David Koes edited bibliography/biblio.bib  about 8 years ago

Commit id: 7fd27d88194c1d25ee0b249d5f0ebfaabef73359

deletions | additions      


@article{26085707, @article{matchpack,  title = {{Indexing Volumetric Shapes with Matching and Packing.}},  date = {2015 Apr 1},  source = {Knowl Inf Syst}, 

@article{25049193, @article{vams,  title = {{Shape-based virtual screening with volumetric aligned molecular shapes.}},  date = {2014 Sep 30},  source = {J Comput Chem}, 

@article{23379370, @article{smina,  title = {{Lessons learned in empirical scoring with smina from the CSAR 2011 benchmarking exercise.}},  date = {2013 Aug 26},  source = {J Chem Inf Model}, 

@article{25505090,  title = {{3Dmol.js: molecular visualization with WebGL.}},  date = {2015 Apr 15},  source = {Bioinformatics},  authors = {Rego, N and Koes, D},  author = {Rego, N and Koes, D},  year = {2015},  month = {Apr},  journal = {Bioinformatics},  volume = {31},  number = {},  pages = {1322-4},  pubmed_id = {25505090},  }  @article{Villoutreix_2013,