Jocelyn Sunseri edited section_Introduction_There_are_a__.tex  about 8 years ago

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There are a multitude of software packages and web services that assist in computer aided drug design \cite{Villoutreix_2013}, but a relative paucity of web services that support structure-based virtual screening. Those that exist, such as DockBlaster \cite{Irwin_2009} and iDrug \cite{Wang_2014}, are typically batch-processing services where the user submits a virtual screening job and receives the results hours or days later. Alternatively, advanced algorithms enable interactive time-scale searches, but existing web resources \cite{Koes_2012,Koes_2012z} are limited by a single search modality and a restricted search domain. In contrast, Pharmit provides both pharmacophore and molecular shape search modalities as well as ranking results by energy minimization, and, in addition to providing a variety of pre-built compound libraries, allows uses to upload their own compound libraries for screening.   Pharmit takes as its input structure files of a receptor and/or ligand. Structures may be provided by the user or extracted directly from the Protein Data Bank (PDB).   Pharmacophore and/or molecular shape queries are created and edited in a modern interactive interface powered by 3Dmol.js \cite{Rego_2014}, which provides high performance 3D molecular graphics without the need for plugins or Java. Once a queries is defined, the user selects and searches a compound library for matching compounds. Results are typically returned in seconds and areare  displayed in-browser. A variety of filtering and ranking criteria can be applied, and hits can be further refined and ranked using energy minimization. Structure files of the query-optimized hit compounds can be downloaded, and the full session state can be saved and restored. In total, Pharmit provides a comprehensive online platform for structure-based virtual screening.