David Koes edited section_Introduction_Click2Drug_cite_Villoutreix_2013__.tex  about 8 years ago

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\section{Introduction}  Click2Drug \cite{Villoutreix_2013} There are a multitude of software packages and web services that assist in computer aided drug design \cite{Villoutreix_2013}, but a relative paucity of services that support structure-based virtual screening. Those that exist, such as DockBlaster \cite{Irwin_2009} and iDrug \cite{Wang_2014}, are typically batch-processing services where the user submits a virtual screening job and receives the results hours or days later.  SwissDock \cite{Grosdidier_2011}  iDrug \cite{Wang_2014} - largest database is 3m, uses java, probably slow but can't use because of java..  DockBlaster \cite{Irwin_2009}  ZINCPharmer \cite{Koes_2012}  AnchorQuery \cite{Koes_2012} web services