David Koes edited Results.tex  over 8 years ago

Commit id: f5be41afca146b5273b84707b56575540dae6f51

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Rho-Kinase2 \subsection*{Rho-Kinase2}  The best SMARTS expression and approach for Rho-Kinase2 performed significantly better than random performance for both FOMS and VAMS (cite stats table). The FOMS approach was significantly better than the VAMS approach for Rho-Kinase2 (cite stats table).   Similar to PKA, Rho-Kinase2 inhibitors are relatively small compared to other inhibtors and have few electrostatic interactions. In the case of 2H9V and its inhibitor, there are three hydrogen-bonding interactions with conserved Met, Asn, and Asp. There are also important hydrophobic interactions with other residues inside the pocket (cite Rho). Our SMARTS expression and fragment pre-alignment covers the hydrogen-bonding interaction with the Met and important hydrophobic interactions with conserved Val and Leu residues. This most likely led to the high performance of FOMS for Rho-Kinase2 (cite table).