Melanie edited subsubsection_Galaxy_Zoo_Hubble_First__.tex  over 8 years ago

Commit id: ecc99a2a21fe05eb02de246a5339f5a915a4ef69

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[this is so vague oh my goodness]  add: Couple of lines (maybe steal from Kyle) describing GZH  A fundamental element of large scale galaxy evolution is the nature of the evolution (synonym?) of spiral structure in disk galaxies. Determining the proportion of late-type galaxies as the Universe evolves will probe mechanisms by which morphology of disk galaxies changes with time. The Galaxy Zoo: Hubble project uses crowdsourced visual classifications of images of galaxies selected from the AEGIS, COSMOS, GEMS, and GOODS surveys to create robust, large catalogs of detailed galaxy morphology. For the first time using morphological classifications of this data release, we constructed a large sample of over 10,000 disk galaxies spanning a wide ($0 < z < 1.0$) redshift range. We use this sample to examine the change in the fraction of disks in the red sequence with respect to all disks from the local to early Universe. This result points to possible scenarios of galactic evolution which would explain Preliminary results show that  theobserved relation between disk  fraction and cosmic of disks in the red sequence decreases as the Universe evolves in  time.