• How can RFID and similar technologies improve supply chains?

  • What impact will mobile devices (phones, tablets) have on supply chain management?

  • How can the challenges facing the media industry provide lessons for manufacturing industries? Are there any lessons that are transferable? Which are not, and why?

Excersizes in ARIS Express (or on paper if you do not have a computer):

Learning the software Install the software and follow the starter tutorials on the aris express web site. When you are comfortable with using the software, do the following process excersizes.

Travel reimbursement The process begins with an employee filling out a travel reimbursement form, and stops when an accountant transfers funds to the employee. There are three roles in this process. Employee, manager, accountaint Process description: The employee fills out a travel reimbursement form. This is sent to his manager through internal snail mail. The manager checks that everything is in order and signs the form. When signed, he sends it by internal snail mail to the accountant. The accountant checks the form to see if everything is filled out properly. If something is wrong, the form has to be sent back to the employee. If everything is ok, he registers the transaction in the financial system, making sure that the money is charged to the correct accounts. The system then pays out the money to the employee at the next pay date.

1) Create a process model of the existing situation, as described in the text above

2) Create a process model of a new and better way of handling travel reimbursement forms.

Incident management Computers R’Us is a vendor of various ICT services. They have a service desk that receives calls and complaints from their customers. To treat each call properly, they have created an incident management process The process makes sure that each user receives a proper response to his call, and pays special attention to reports of errors. The process only handles external errors, and should be set up so that it follows all the steps from when the customer makes the call to the time when the error is handled and the solution accepted by the customer.

The process starts when a user reports and incident to the service desk. The service desk records and classifies the incident. When this is done, the service desk can choose between handling the incident themselves, or passing it on to IT support. If the service desk chooses to handle the incident themselves, the event is analyzed. Next, they restore service and notify the customer through phone or e-mail. When the customer is notified, the case is closed. If the service desk chooses to pass the incident on to IT support, the same procedure as above is followed, but by IT support.

1) Create a process model of the above scenario.