Alyssa Goodman significant changes to paragraph just before "Star formation in filaments"  over 9 years ago

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As Goodman discussed at the recent ``Filaments 2014" meeting held at NRAO HQ in Charlottesville ( , the projected morphology of the fragmented cores in B5 (with sizes of a few thousand AU) aligns well with the parsec-scale filament they sit in, as identified on the Herschel maps. This finding in B5 suggests that the star-forming process within filaments preserves the structure of {\it mother filaments} down to, and within, cores. This situation is bizarre considering the difference in spatial scales between filaments (\~ a few parsec) and the condensations found by Pineda et al. xx2011xx (\~ a few thousand AU). Understanding the origin of this kind of position/velocity connection across scales requires systematic analysis of kinematics from the filament to the core scales, using observations sensitive to a wide dynamic range of scales, in more cores-filaments systems than just B5.  \subsection{L1689B: Another B5 or a differenct case?}  Similar to B5, L1689B, in L1689 in the Ophiuchus molecular cloud, sits on a single filament that extends \~ 1.6 pc, and has an elongated shape along the filament direction (See Fig. ? for its morphology as observed by Herschel and on the 2MASS/NICER-based near-infrared extinction map). Like B5, the regions around L1689B (throughout the entire L1689) shows complicated velocity structures at parsec scales, as traced by ^{12}CO (1-0) and ^{13}CO (1-0) line emission (FCRAO/COMPLETE, \citet{Ridge_2006}). L1689B is classified as a young pre-stellar core, and has a temperature of \~ 10 K and a density of n_{H_2} \~ 2.6 $\times$ 10^{22} cm^{-2} (Fig. ?), both similar to B5 (\~ 10 K and \~ 2 to 5 $\times$ 10^{22} cm^{-2}). Despite the complicated velocity structures throughout L1689, L1689B and the filament in which  it sitsin  seem to show some a relatively smooth  velocity gradient at the parsec scale, as observed by FCRAO. But again, limited by as in  the resolution of case with B5,  the 40 arcsec COMPLETE Survey  FCRAO data and further obscured by the complicated velocity structures and the opacity, practical and quantitative analysis resolution hides whetever underlying motions (e.g. infall, rotation, superpositions) creates these gradients. To make sense  ofkinematics using  the FCRAO molecular line emission data is almost impossible. This emphasizes again the importance of kinematics that lead to fragmentation and star formation within these core-filament systems, we need  molecular line observationsthat are  sensitive to both {\it both}  the core and the filament scales, if we want to understand the star forming process in filaments. scales.  \subsection{Star formation in filaments}  Based on the Herschel results, Andr\'e et al. (2013) suggest that stars largely form in supercritical filaments, through three different modes of accretion (see Fig. ?): a) longitudinal infall along the main filament, b) radial infall across the main filament, and c) accretion of material from the background cloud through sub-filaments or {\it striations}, along the magnetic field lines. Kirk et al. (2013) further claim to find direct evidence of longitudinal infall along the main filament, through ATNF Mopra 22m observations of molecular line emission. While a few other observations also claim to see velocity gradient along/across the main filament, a more detailed analysis of the kinematics is needed to fully pin down the origins of these velocity gradient, and thus to test the paradigm of star formation in supercritical filaments provided by Andr\'e et al.