IRIS flux density maps at 60 and 100 \(\mu\)m, in contrast with earlier releases of the IRAS all-sky maps, have been corrected for the effects of zodiacal dust and striping. The gain and offset have also been calibrated \citep{Miville_Deschenes_2005}. The IRIS maps of Ophiuchus have a resolution of approximately 2.5’, close to the 3’ resolution of the 2MASS/NICER extinction map. The noise in the IRIS maps is approximately 0.03 MJy sr\(^{-1}\) and 0.06 MJy sr\(^{-1}\) at 60 and 100 \(\mu\)m, respectively. This is \(\leq\) 1 % of the overall flux density in the Ophiuchus region.