Age and Metallicity Profiles

\label{sec:profiles} The stellar population gradients and their uncertainties are measured using a linear log-log chi-squared fitting routine. The uncertainties are the standard deviation of the fit. We summarise the stellar population gradients (\(\Delta\) [Fe/H] and \(\Delta\) Age) in Table \ref{tab:gradients}. The metallicity and age profiles for the BCGs and companion galaxies are illustrated in Appendix B. Most of the BCGs in our sample have shallow metallicity gradients, \(\Delta\)[Fe/H] \(>-0.3\), except for 1066 which has a gradient of \(\Delta\)[Fe/H] \(-0.41\pm0.1\). The median value is \(\Delta\)[Fe/H] \(=-0.11\pm0.1\). The companion galaxies also show shallow metallicity gradients. However 1048B and 1048C have R\(_e\) values close to the seeing FWHM, which may act to dilute the measured gradient in these galaxies.

We summarise the stellar population gradients we observe for the BCGs in Fig \ref{fig:grad} and compare that to the gradients of the SAURON galaxies at the same mass range. The offset between the two profiles illustrates the differences between the central stellar populations in the two samples.

In Fig \ref{fig:grad_mass} we show the metallicity (upper panel) and age (lower panel) gradients as a function of galaxy mass. The BCGs have shallow metallicity (median \(\Delta\)[Fe/H] \(= -0.11\pm0.1\)) and age gradients (median \(\Delta\)Age \(=0.02\pm0.03\)), similar to those of the SAURON early-type galaxies at the same mass (\(\Delta\)[Fe/H] \(=-0.19\pm0.1\), \(\Delta\)Age \(=0.04\pm0.05\)). We do not find any correlation between the stellar kinematics and the stellar population gradients.