Paola Oliva-Altamirano edited section_Previous_measurements_citet_JIMMY13__.tex  almost 9 years ago

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\subsection{Stellar Kinematics}\label{sec:ppxf}  First a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) cut of 5 across all the spaxels (spatial pixels) was applied. The spaxels were then re-binned to a minimum SNR of 10, using the spatial binning Voronoi code of \citet{CAPPELLARI03}. The velocity and line-of-sight velocity dispersion were computed using the penalised fitting scheme of \citet[pPXF;][]{PPXF}, and the MILES \citep[Medium-resolution Isaac Newton Telescope Library of Empirical Spectra; ][]{MILES} library stellar templates. pPXF fits the stellar library templates to the absorption line features of the BCG spectra, giving the redshifts and the broadening of the spectral lines.  \\\\   \textbf{The angular momentum} was characterised by the $\lambda_{\rm R}$ parameter defined by \citet{EMSELLEM07}. It is calculated as follows: \begin{equation}  \lambda_{\rm R} \sim \frac{\langle R |V| \rangle}{\langle R\sqrt{V^2+\sigma^2 \rangle}},  \end{equation}  where $R$ represents the radius of the galaxy, V is the stellar velocity and $\sigma$ the velocity dispersion. The numerator and denominator are luminosity weighted. A higher $\lambda_{\rm R}$ represents a higher angular momentum. \textbf{The ellipticity ($\epsilon$)} at the effective radius of each galaxy was measured using the publicly available IDL routine $find\$ developed  by Michele Cappellari\footnote{$\sim$mxc/idl/}. Following \citet{EMSELLEM11}, the values of $\lambda_{\rm R}$ and $\epsilon$ can be used to distinguish fast and slow rotators (FR and SR respectively) by using the threshold:   \begin{equation} \label{eq:FR}  \lambda_{\rm R} \geq (0.31 \pm 0.01)\times \sqrt{\epsilon},  \end{equation} where FRs lie above this threshold and SRs lie below.\\\\ below.  \\\\  \textbf{The dynamical mass} was measured using the standard equation given in \citet{CAPPELLARI06}.   \begin{equation}\label{eq:mass}  M_{dyn}=\frac{5R_e \sigma_e^2}{G},  \end{equation}  where $\sigma_e$ is the aperture corrected velocity dispersion of the integrated spectrum within the effective radius; G is the gravitational constant. In Table \ref{tab:kin} we summarise the relevant kinematic results. 7 of the BCGs are SR and 2 are FR. For $\sigma_{e}, \epsilon_e$ and $\lambda_{R_e}$ we refer the reader to Table 2 of \citet{JIMMY13}.  %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  \subsection{Photometric Analysis}