Chris Brierley edited untitled.tex  over 8 years ago

Commit id: a9774d187199c9f4461fb81eb68d97df71ac8615

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I feel this manuscript provides strong rationale and very helpful description of the PlioMIP2 experiment. I recommend that it is published subject to some revisions. I look forward to the actual experiment and hope that some interesting science will emerge from it.I did have one question about the scope of the manuscript. It wasn't clear to whether it aims to serve to just as an experimental description, or will also act as the full description of the boundary condition datasets. I know that the previous experimental design \cite{Haywood_2011} was complemented by a data description paper \cite{dowsett2010prism3d}. Whilst I think that most of datasets are adequately discussed in this manuscript (or prior publications), the topography feels under described. I hope that a separate manuscript is planned to describe all the underlying assumptions for this dataset and highlight the important changes. I would certainly like to see more discussion of the uncertainty inherent in the topography reconstruction. For example, a major change from PRISM3 is the closing of the Bering Strait. I remember seeing a poster at AGU 2014 by Dick Peltier presenting an alternate topography with it closed - this also included the novel scientific components described here. Whilst I'm happy with the reconstruction you present here, I don't feel there is any acknowledgment that it may have uncertainties.   My other major worry relates to the quantity of simulations requested by the full experimental design. Whilst, I understand the justification of most of them from a rigorous scientific standpoint, I wonder if they will be tackled by sufficient groups to allow a model intercomparison.