\label{fig:ELCresult}ELC model for all eclipses of KIC 9246715 taken together. The top two panels show the folded radial velocities, while the middle two panels show the folded light curve. A single full orbit is shown. The bottom four panels are a zoom of each eclipse. Residuals are indicated by a \(\Delta\) symbol. Red and yellow points are observations and the black line is the all-eclipse ELC model fit. The primary and secondary eclipses are the same configurations as illustrated in Figure \ref{fig:keplerfig}. While one primary eclipse epoch suffers from increased contamination due to a nearby star (see Section \ref{segment}), the overall scatter in the eclipse residuals is greater during primary eclipse than during secondary eclipse. This suggests Star 1 is more active than Star 2, and is discussed further in Section \ref{actrot}.