Meredith L. Rawls edited bibliography/biblio.bib  almost 9 years ago

Commit id: abdc7b73202435fa18adae660cf37ca7b82ad992

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adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System},  }  @article{pax15,  author = {Paxton, Bill and Marchant, Pablo and Schwab, Josiah and Bauer, Evan B and Bildsten, Lars and Cantiello, Matteo and Dessart, Luc and Farmer, R and Hu, H and Langer, N and Townsend, R H D and Townsley, Dean M and Timmes, F X},  title = {{Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA): Binaries, Pulsations, and Explosions}},  journal = {},  year = {2015},  eprint = {1506.03146v1},  eprinttype = {arxiv},  eprintclass = {astro-ph.SR},  month = jun  }  @article{rob90,  author = {Robinson, R D and Cram, L E},  title = {{Chromospheric H-alpha and CA II lines in late-type stars}},