Meredith L. Rawls edited subsubsection_Mixed_oscillation_modes_label__.tex  over 8 years ago

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\subsubsection{Mixed oscillation modes}  \label{subsubsec_mixed}  Based on the distribution of mixed $\ell = 1$ modes, \citet{gau14} reported that the oscillation pattern period spacing was typical of that of a star from the secondary red clump, i.e., a core-He-burning star that has not experienced a helium flash. This was based on a \revise{dipole gravity mode} period spacing of $\Delta \Pi_1 \simeq 150 \ \rm{sec}$. \rm{s}$.  Red giant branch stars have smaller period spacings than red clump stars, and ($\Delta \Pi_1 = 150 \ \rm{sec}$, \rm{s}$,  $\Delta \nu = 8.31 \ \mu \rm{Hz}$) puts the oscillating star on the very edge of the asteroseismic parameter space that defines the secondary red clump \citep{mos14}. \revise{Due to noise and damped oscillations, it is difficult to unambiguously derive determine  the mixed mode pattern described by \citet{mos12}. To more accurately assess the evolutionary stage of the oscillating star in KIC 9246715, we employ three different techniques to identify and characterized characterize  mixed modes.} % Enrico  \revise{First, we perform a Bayesian fit to the individual oscillation modes of the star using the \textsc{D\large{iamonds}} code \citep{cor14} and the methodology for the peak bagging analysis of a red giant star in \citet{cor15}. We then compare the set of the obtained frequencies of mixed dipole modes with those from the asymptotic relation proposed by \citet{mos12}, which we compute using different values of $\Delta \Pi_1$. The result shows a significantly better match when values of $\Delta \Pi_1$ around $200 \ \rm{s}$ are used. This confirms that the oscillating star is settled on the core-He-burning phase of stellar evolution.}