Alberto Pepe added file js/d3po-pf.js  over 6 years ago

Commit id: 734a00cfe976c50eafc993f44b19e438d6088ca4

deletions | additions      


// Globals  var allPlotData,  columnNames,  columnDomains,  svg,  stateMarkerStyle, stateHistogramStyle;  /*  Define some default style parameters  */  // all size / padding parameters are specified in pixels  var defaults = {  "stateStyle" : {  "padding" : {  "top" : 20,  "left" : 50,  "right" : -20,  "bottom" : 20  },  },  "plotStyle" : {  "padding" : {  "top" : 25,  "left" : 25,  "right" : 100,  "bottom" : 50  },  "size" : {  "width" : 200,  "height" : 200  },  "brush" : {  "color" : "#000000",  "opacity" : 0.2  }  },  "markerStyle" : {  "selected" : {  "opacity" : 0.75,  "size" : 3,  "color" : "#333333"  },  "unselected" : {  "opacity" : 0.25,  "size" : 3,  "color" : "#333333"  }  },  "histogramStyle" : {  "selected" : {  "opacity" : 1.,  "color" : "#333333"  },  "unselected" : {  "opacity" : 1.,  "color" : "#cccccc"  }  },  "colorScale" : {  "map" : ["red", "blue"]  },  "bins" : 10,  "tickSize" : 16,  "nTicks" : 5  };  /*  Generalized plotting  */  // TODO: also pass in 'data' -- list of objects w/ x, y parameters?  function scatter(state, plot, cell) {  // remove any histogram  cell.selectAll("").data([]).exit().remove();  var circ = cell.selectAll("")  .data(allPlotData);  circ.enter().append("circle")  .classed("data",true);  circ.transition().duration(500).ease("quad-in")  .attr("cx", function(d) { return state.xScaler(d[plot.xCol]); })  .attr("cy", function(d) { return state.yScaler(d[plot.yCol]); })  .attr("r", function (d,ii) {  if (state.isSelected(d,ii)) {  return['selected']['size'];  } else {  return['unselected']['size'];  }  })  .style("fill", function (d,ii) {  if (state.isSelected(d,ii)) {  return state.cScaler(d[state.colorColumn]) ||['selected']["color"];  } else {  return['unselected']['color'];  }  })  .style("opacity", function (d,ii) {  if (state.isSelected(d,ii)) {  return['selected']['opacity'];  } else {  return['unselected']['opacity'];  }  })  .attr("plot-index", plot.index)  .attr("clip-path", "url(#clip)");  circ.exit().remove();  }  // TODO: how to support y histograms?  function histogram(state, plot, cell) {  var nbins = plot.bins;  var rawData = { return parseFloat(d[plot.xCol]); });  var data = d3.layout.histogram().bins(nbins)(rawData);  var barWidth = state.xScaler(2*data[0].dx) - state.xScaler(data[0].dx);  var height = state.plotStyle['size']['height'];  var barHeightScaler = d3.scale.linear()  .domain([0, d3.max(data, function(d) { return d.y; })])  .range([height, 0]);  // remove any data points  cell.selectAll("").data([]).exit().remove();  var bar = cell.selectAll("").data(data);  bar.enter().append("rect")  .classed("bar", true)  .classed("data", true);"fill", function (d,ii) {  if (state.isSelected(d,ii)) {  return['selected']['color'];  } else {  return['unselected']['color'];  }  })  .style("opacity", function (d,ii) {  if (state.isSelected(d,ii)) {  return['selected']['opacity'];  } else {  return['unselected']['opacity'];  }  });  bar.transition().duration(500).ease("quad-in")  .attr("x", function(d) {  return state.xScaler(d.x);  })  .attr("y", function(d) {  return barHeightScaler(d.y) + state.plotStyle['padding']['top'];  })  .attr("width", barWidth)  .attr("height", function(d) {  return height - barHeightScaler(d.y);  })  .attr("clip-path", "url(#clip)");  bar.exit().remove();  }  /*  Classes for parsing JSON and defaults  */  Plot = function(jsonPlot) {  this.gridPosition = jsonPlot["gridPosition"] || [0,0];  this.type = jsonPlot["type"] || "scatter";  var xAxis = jsonPlot["xAxis"] || {},  yAxis = jsonPlot["yAxis"] || {};  // Set column names  this.xCol = xAxis["columnName"] || undefined;  this.yCol = yAxis["columnName"] || undefined;  this.xLabel = xAxis["label"] || (this.xCol || "");  this.yLabel = yAxis["label"] || (this.yCol || "");  this.xLim = xAxis["range"];  this.yLim = yAxis["range"];  this.nXTicks = xAxis["nTicks"] || defaults["nTicks"];  this.nYTicks = yAxis["nTicks"] || defaults["nTicks"];  var defaultStyle,  style = jsonPlot["style"] || {};  if (this.type == "scatter") {  defaultStyle = stateMarkerStyle;  } else if (this.type == "histogram") {  defaultStyle = stateHistogramStyle;  this.bins = xAxis['bins'] || yAxis['bins'] || defaults["bins"];  console.debug(this.bins);  } else {  console.log("Invalid type '" + this.type + "'");  return;  }  for (var key in defaultStyle) {  var thisStyle = style[key] || {};  for (var key2 in defaultStyle[key]) {  thisStyle[key2] = thisStyle[key2] || defaultStyle[key][key2];  }  style[key] = thisStyle;  } = style;  this.translate = function(state) {  // compute the amount to translate the individual plots by  // TODO: why are indices flipped??  var xIndex = this.gridPosition[1],  yIndex = this.gridPosition[0];  xTrans = xIndex * (state.plotStyle['padding']['left'] + state.plotStyle['padding']['right'] +  state.plotStyle['size']['width']);  yTrans = yIndex *(state.plotStyle['padding']['top'] + state.plotStyle['padding']['bottom'] +  state.plotStyle['size']['height']);  return [xTrans,yTrans];  }  this.drawAxes = function(state, cell) {  // x-axis ticks and label  if (this.xCol) {  state.xScaler.domain(this.xLim || columnDomains[this.xCol]);  // set up x axis ticks  xAxisD3 = d3.svg.axis()  .scale(state.xScaler)  .orient("bottom")  .ticks(this.nXTicks)  .tickSize(defaults["tickSize"])  .tickFormat(function (d) {  if (d > 1e4) {  var x = d3.format('e');  return x(d);  } else {  var dd = state.xScaler.domain();  var hack = -parseInt(Math.round(Math.log(dd[1]-dd[0]) / 2.302585092994046)) + 1;  if (hack < 1) {  var x = d3.format('d');  } else {  var x = d3.format('.' + hack + 'f');  }  return x(d);  }  });  var xAxis = cell.selectAll(".x-axis")  .data([this]);  xAxis.enter().append("g")  .attr("class", "axis x-axis");  xAxis.attr("transform", function(p) {  return "translate(0," + (state.plotStyle['size']['height'] + state.plotStyle['padding']['top'] - 10) + ")";  }).each(function(p) {;  });  xAxis.exit().remove();  // Add axis labels  var xLabel = cell.selectAll(".x-label")  .data([this]);  xLabel.enter().append("text")  .attr("class", "axis-label x-label");  xLabel.exit().remove();  xLabel.text(function(p, i) { return p.xLabel; })  .attr("x", function(p) {  return state.plotStyle['padding']['left'] + state.plotStyle['size']['width']/2. - $(this).width()/2.;  }).attr("y", function(p) {  return state.plotStyle['padding']['top'] + state.plotStyle['size']['height'] + $(this).height() + 15;  });  } else {  var xAxis = cell.selectAll(".x-axis")  .data([]);  xAxis.exit().remove();  var xLabel = cell.selectAll(".x-label")  .data([]);  xLabel.exit().remove();  }  // y axis ticks and label  if (this.yCol) {  state.yScaler.domain(this.yLim || columnDomains[this.yCol]);  // set up y axis ticks  yAxisD3 = d3.svg.axis()  .scale(state.yScaler)  .orient("left")  .ticks(this.nYTicks)  .tickSize(defaults["tickSize"])  .tickFormat(function (d) {  if (d > 1e4) {  var x = d3.format('e');  return x(d);  } else {  var dd = state.xScaler.domain();  var hack = -parseInt(Math.round(Math.log(dd[1]-dd[0]) / 2.302585092994046)) + 1;  if (hack < 1) {  var x = d3.format('d');  } else {  var x = d3.format('.' + hack + 'f');  }  return x(d);  }  });  var yAxis = cell.selectAll(".y-axis")  .data([this]);  yAxis.enter().append("g")  .attr("class", "axis y-axis");  yAxis.transition().duration(0).ease('quad-in')  .attr("transform", function(p, i) {  return "translate(" + (state.plotStyle['padding']['left'] + 10) + ",0)";  }).each(function(p) {;  });  yAxis.exit().remove();  var yLabel = cell.selectAll(".y-label")  .data([this]);  yLabel.enter().append("text")  .attr("class", "axis-label y-label");  yLabel.exit().remove();  yLabel.text(function(p,i) { return p.yLabel; })  .transition().duration(0).ease('quad-in')  .attr("x", function(p) {  return -((state.plotStyle['padding']['top']) + state.plotStyle['size']['height']/2. + $(this).width()/2.);// deliberately backwards cause rotated  }).attr("y", function(p) {  return -(state.plotStyle['padding']['left']);  });  } else {  var yAxis = cell.selectAll(".y-axis")  .data([]);  yAxis.exit().remove();  var yLabel = cell.selectAll(".y-label")  .data([]);  yLabel.exit().remove();  }  // plot background  var rect = cell.selectAll("rect.frame").data([1]);  rect.enter().append("rect");  rect.exit().remove();  rect.transition().duration(500).ease("quad-in")  .attr("class", "frame")  .attr("x", state.plotStyle['padding']['left'])  .attr("y", state.plotStyle['padding']['top'])  .attr("width", state.plotStyle['size']['width'])  .attr("height", state.plotStyle['size']['height']);  // TODO: fix clippath"g.state-g").append("defs").append("svg:clipPath")  .attr("id", "clip")  .append("svg:rect")  .attr("x", state.plotStyle['padding']['left'])  .attr("y", state.plotStyle['padding']['top'])  .attr("width", state.plotStyle['size']['width'])  .attr("height", state.plotStyle['size']['height']);  }  // TODO: store cell internally? make an 'overlay' method?  this.drawData = function(state, cell) {  if (this.type == "scatter") {  scatter(state, this, cell);  } else if (this.type == "histogram") {  histogram(state, this, cell);  } else {  alert("Invalid plot type.");  return;  }  }  }  State = function(jsonState) {  var grid = jsonState['grid'] || {};  this.nRows = grid['nRows'] || 1;  this.nCols = grid['nColumns'] || 1;  var stateStyle = jsonState["stateStyle"] || {};  var defaultPadding = defaults["stateStyle"]["padding"],  statePadding = stateStyle["padding"] || {};  this.padding = {  "top" : statePadding["top"] || defaultPadding["top"],  "left" : statePadding["left"] || defaultPadding["left"],  "right" : statePadding["right"] || defaultPadding["right"],  "bottom" : statePadding["bottom"] || defaultPadding["bottom"]  };  //// these must go before the plot definitions  // state-global plot padding / size  this.plotStyle = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(defaults["plotStyle"]));  var plotStyle = jsonState["plotStyle"] || {}; // for this particular state  for (var key in this.plotStyle) {  var tmp = plotStyle[key] || {};  for (var key2 in tmp) {  console.debug("changing state plot " + key + " " + key2 + " from " +  this.plotStyle[key][key2] + " to " + tmp[key2]);  this.plotStyle[key][key2] = tmp[key2];  }  }  // state-global marker styling  stateMarkerStyle = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(defaults["markerStyle"]));  var markerStyle = jsonState["markerStyle"] || {}; // for this particular state  for (var key in stateMarkerStyle) {  var tmp = markerStyle[key] || {};  for (var key2 in tmp) {  console.debug("changing state marker " + key + " " + key2 + " from " +  stateMarkerStyle[key][key2] + " to " + tmp[key2]);  stateMarkerStyle[key][key2] = tmp[key2];  }  }  // state-global histogram styling  stateHistogramStyle = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(defaults["histogramStyle"]));  var histogramStyle = jsonState["histogramStyle"] || {}; // for this particular state  for (var key in stateHistogramStyle) {  var tmp = histogramStyle[key] || {};  for (var key2 in tmp) {  console.debug("changing state histogram " + key + " " + key2 + " from " +  stateHistogramStyle[key][key2] + " to " + tmp[key2]);  stateHistogramStyle[key][key2] = tmp[key2];  }  }  // Compute the height / width of the svg element based on the plot size, plot spacing, and figure padding.  var plotHeight = this.plotStyle['padding']['top'] + this.plotStyle['padding']['bottom'] +  this.plotStyle['size']['height'],  plotWidth = this.plotStyle['padding']['left'] + this.plotStyle['padding']['right'] +  this.plotStyle['size']['width'];  this.height = this.padding['top'] + this.padding['bottom'] + this.nRows * plotHeight;  this.width = this.padding['left'] + this.padding['right'] + this.nCols * plotWidth;  console.log(this.height);  this.plots = [];  for (var ii=0; ii < jsonState['plots'].length; ii++) {  var plot = new Plot(jsonState['plots'][ii]);  plot.index = ii;  this.plots.push(plot);  }  // Scalers for x / y axes from data space to pixel space relative to each plot cell  // -- must go after height, width  this.xScaler = d3.scale.linear()  .range([this.plotStyle['padding']['left'],  this.plotStyle['padding']['left'] + this.plotStyle['size']['width']]);  this.yScaler = d3.scale.linear()  .range([this.plotStyle['size']['height'] + this.plotStyle['padding']['top'],  this.plotStyle['padding']['top']]);  this.cScaler = d3.scale.linear();  var colorScale = jsonState['colorScale'] || {};  this.colorColumn = colorScale['columnName'] || undefined;  if (this.colorColumn) {  this.cScaler.domain(columnDomains[this.colorColumn]);  this.cScaler.range(colorScale['map'] || defaults["colorScale"]["map"]);  }  // state caption  this.caption = jsonState["caption"] || "";  /*  brushes  */  // keep track of what cell is being brushed  // TODO: bug here with histogram...  var brushCell = undefined,  brushPlot = undefined;  state = this;  this.xyBrush = d3.svg.brush()  .x(state.xScaler)  .y(state.yScaler)  .on("brushstart", function(p) {  if (brushPlot === undefined) {  brushPlot = p;  }  if (brushCell !== this) {  if (brushPlot.type == "scatter") {;  } else if (brushPlot.type == "histogram") {;  }  brushCell = this;  brushPlot = p;  } else {  //brushCell = this;  }".extent")  .style("fill", state.plotStyle['brush']['color'])  .style("fill-opacity", state.plotStyle['brush']['opacity'])  .attr("clip-path", "url(#clip)");  state.xScaler.domain(p.xLim || columnDomains[p.xCol]);  state.yScaler.domain(p.yLim || columnDomains[p.yCol]);  })  .on("brush", function(p) {  var e = state.xyBrush.extent();  var xRange = [e[0][0], e[1][0]],  yRange = [e[0][1], e[1][1]];  console.log(xRange, yRange);  state.jsonSelection = {  "type" : "box",  "bounds" : [  {  "range" : xRange,  "columnName" : p.xCol  },  {  "range" : yRange,  "columnName" : p.yCol  }  ]  };  // grey out any histogram bars  svg.selectAll("")  .style("fill", "#cccccc")  .style("fill-opacity", 0.5);  svg.selectAll("")  .attr("r", function (d,ii) {  if (state.isSelected(d,ii)) {  return state.plots[$(this).attr('plot-index')].style["selected"]["size"];  } else {  return state.plots[$(this).attr('plot-index')].style["unselected"]["size"];  }  })  .style("fill", function (d,ii) {  if (state.isSelected(d,ii)) {  return state.cScaler(d[state.colorColumn]) || state.plots[$(this).attr('plot-index')].style["selected"]["color"];  } else {  return state.plots[$(this).attr('plot-index')].style["unselected"]["color"];  }  })  .style("opacity", function (d,ii) {  if (state.isSelected(d,ii)) {  return state.plots[$(this).attr('plot-index')].style["selected"]["opacity"];  } else {  return state.plots[$(this).attr('plot-index')].style["unselected"]["opacity"];  }  })  })  this.xBrush = d3.svg.brush()  .x(state.xScaler).y(state.yScaler)  .on("brushstart", function(p) {  if (brushPlot === undefined) {  brushPlot = p;  }  if (brushPlot.type == "scatter") {;  } else if (brushPlot.type == "histogram") {;  }  brushPlot = p;  brushCell = this;".extent")  .style("fill", state.plotStyle['brush']['color'])  .style("fill-opacity", state.plotStyle['brush']['opacity']);  state.xScaler.domain(p.xLim || columnDomains[p.xCol]);  })  .on("brush", function(p) {  var _extent0 = state.xBrush.extent();  var extent1 = _extent0;  var extent0 = [_extent0[0][0], _extent0[1][0]];  var rawData = { return parseFloat(d[p.xCol]); });  var data = d3.layout.histogram().bins(p.bins)(rawData);  var min_d0, min_d1, e0, e1, dx;  for (var ii=0; ii < (data.length+1); ii++) {  if (ii == data.length) {  dx = data[ii-1].x + data[ii-1].dx  } else {  dx = data[ii].x;  }  var d0 = Math.abs(dx - extent0[0]),  d1 = Math.abs(dx - extent0[1]);  if ((!min_d0) || (d0 < min_d0)) {  min_d0 = d0;  e0 = dx;  }  if ((!min_d1) || (d1 < min_d1)) {  min_d1 = d1;  e1 = dx;  }  }  extent1[0][0] = e0;  extent1[1][0] = e1;  extent1[0][1] = 0;  extent1[1][1] = d3.max(data, function(d) { return d.y; });;".extent")  .attr("height", state.plotStyle['size']['height'])  .attr("y", state.plotStyle['padding']['top'])  .attr("clip-path", "url(#clip)");;  state.jsonSelection = {  "type" : "box",  "bounds" : [  {  "range" : [e0,e1],  "columnName" : p.xCol  }  ]  };  svg.selectAll("")  .style("fill", function(d,ii) {  if ((d.x >= e0) && ((d.x+d.dx) <= e1)) {  return["selected"]["color"];  } else {  return["unselected"]["color"];  }  })  .attr("fill-opacity", function(d,ii) {  if ((d.x >= e0) && ((d.x+d.dx) <= e1)) {  return["selected"]["opacity"];  } else {  return["unselected"]["opacity"];  }  })  svg.selectAll("")  .attr("r", function (d,ii) {  if (state.isSelected(d,ii)) {  return state.plots[$(this).attr('plot-index')].style["selected"]["size"];  } else {  return state.plots[$(this).attr('plot-index')].style["unselected"]["size"];  }  })  .style("fill", function (d,ii) {  if (state.isSelected(d,ii)) {  return state.cScaler(d[state.colorColumn]) || state.plots[$(this).attr('plot-index')].style["selected"]["color"];  } else {  return state.plots[$(this).attr('plot-index')].style["unselected"]["color"];  }  })  .style("opacity", function (d,ii) {  if (state.isSelected(d,ii)) {  return state.plots[$(this).attr('plot-index')].style["selected"]["opacity"];  } else {  return state.plots[$(this).attr('plot-index')].style["unselected"]["opacity"];  }  })  })  this.jsonSelection = jsonState['selection'];  if (!this.jsonSelection) {  console.debug("no selection provided");  this.jsonSelection = {  "type" : "none"  }  }  this.isSelected = function(d,ii) {  return selectionFunctionDispatch[this.jsonSelection['type']](this,d,ii);  }  }  selectionFunctionDispatch = {};  selectionFunctionDispatch['none'] = function(state,d,ii) {  return false;  }  selectionFunctionDispatch['all'] = function(state,d,ii) {  return true;  }  selectionFunctionDispatch['box'] = function(state,d,ii) {  var boundsList = state.jsonSelection ['bounds'];  var bools = [];  for (var jj=0; jj < boundsList.length; jj++) {  var rng = boundsList[jj]['range'],  colName = boundsList[jj]['columnName'];  if ((d[colName] >= rng[0]) && (d[colName] <= rng[1])) {  bools.push(true);  } else {  bools.push(false);  }  }  return bools.every(Boolean);  }  selectionFunctionDispatch['booleanColumn'] = function(state,d,ii) {  var boolColName = state.jsonSelection['columnName'];  if (allPlotData[ii][boolColName] == 1) {  return true;  }  }  function initialize(jsonFilename, csvFilename) {  /*  Initialize the D3PO figure given a JSON specification.  Parameters  ----------  jsonFilename : string  The relative path to a D3PO JSON spec file.  */  d3.json(jsonFilename, function(error, _tmp) {  if (error) {  console.warn(error);  alert('Unable to find file or error parsing "' + jsonFilename + '"');  }  jsonData = _tmp;  // TODO: figure out type of file, use appropriate reader  d3.csv(csvFilename, function(error, _tmp) {  if (error) {  console.warn(error);  alert('Unable to read/parse file "' + csvFilename + '"');  }  allPlotData = _tmp;  columnNames = d3.keys(allPlotData[0]);  // draw the first state  drawState(jsonData['states'][0]);  var presets ="#controls .navigation").selectAll("li")  .data(jsonData['states']);  presets.enter().append("li")  .on("click", function(e,i) {  drawState(jsonData['states'][i]);  $(".navigation li").removeClass("selected");  $(this).addClass("selected");  });  presets.text(function(d, i){ return d['name']; });  presets.exit().remove();  $(".navigation li:first-of-type").addClass("selected");  });  });  //  }  function domains(data, columns) {  /*  Get the domains (min, max) for each column in the plot data.  */  // Define an object to contain the domains (in data space) for each column  var domainByDataColumn = {};  columnNames.forEach(function(colName) {  var domain = d3.extent(data, function(d) { return parseFloat(d[colName]); });  // if parseFloat failed, probably string values in the column  if (isNaN(domain[0]) || isNaN(domain[1])){  var this_col = []; {  this_col.push(d[colName]);  });  domainByDataColumn[colName] = this_col.unique();  } else {  var size = domain[1]-domain[0];  domainByDataColumn[colName] = [domain[0] - size/25.,  domain[1] + size/25.];  }  });  return domainByDataColumn;  }  function drawState(jsonState) {  /*  TODO  */  // Get the domains in data units for each column in the data file  columnDomains = domains(allPlotData, columnNames);  // define a state object which automatically sets defaults  state = new State(jsonState);  // Define top level svg tag  svg ="#svg svg");  svg.transition()  .duration(0)  .ease('quad-in')  .attr("width", state.width)  .attr("height", state.height)  .each("end", function () {  $("body").toggleClass("hack");  setTimeout(function (){ $("body").toggleClass("hack"); });  });  // move the plot container group to account for figure padding  svg.append("g")  .attr("class", "state-g")  .attr("transform", "translate(" + state.padding['left'] + "," +  state.padding['top'] + ")");  // Set up a cell group for each plot window, to then draw points and rectangle over  var cells ="g.state-g").selectAll("g.cell").data(state.plots);  cells.enter().append("g")  .attr("class", "cell");  cells.exit().remove();  cells.transition().duration(0).ease('quad-in')  .attr("transform", function(p) {  var xy = p.translate(state);  return "translate(" + xy[0] + "," + xy[1] + ")";  });  // Add axes to the plots  cells.each(function(p,ii) {  var cell =;  p.drawAxes(state, cell);  p.drawData(state, cell);  if (p.type == "scatter") {  state.xyBrush(cell);  } else if (p.type == "histogram") {  // TODO: y histogram?  state.xBrush(cell);  }  })  // Finally, update caption  var caption ="#caption")  .style('opacity', 0)  .text(state.caption)  .transition()  .duration(400)  .style('opacity', 1);  }