Alyssa Goodman edited Deeper, Easier,  over 9 years ago

Commit id: 45bbe0e333bf9c7165e458ff16bfc955e4451488

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Many scientists already use some kind of reference managment system, whether it is a giant .bbl library alongside their local TeX installation, an ADS Private Libraray, or more sophisticated generalized solutions like EndNote, Papers, Mendeley, Zotero, etc.   Inserting a reference citations using any of these tools is relatively easy  in a tool like nearly any of the online authoring systems discussed above (e.g. Authorea, shareLaTeX, writeLaTeX).  If an astronomer uses Authorea, inserting a reference is as simple as cutting & pasting the URL from ADS, like this: \cite{2014arXiv1401.2134G}.  \cite{Goodman_2014}  e.g. cut & paste URL referencing, DOIs, ORCID, w/in Authorea