Alyssa Goodman edited Linking  over 9 years ago

Commit id: 40538a5b793e4308626c6ce3e8834bec21cddf88

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## ORCID Identifiers   Open Researcher Contributor ID or ORCID is a free service that provides authors a unique persistent identifier and profile.It saves authors time by allowing them to consolidate their works in one place.  ORCID provides authors with common names a means identifiers are  to disambiguate themselves. Authors can improve their impact through enhanced discovery, taking advantage of new services like ImpactStory. AAS is a leader btw, ADS will integrate with ORCID, institutions like BU people what DOIs  arestarting  to integrate online objects like papers, datasets, images, etc. Efficient use of  ORCID into their administrative systems. identifiers by publishers will allow for improved search and bibliometric analysis of individuals' or instutions' output in the future.  ## Social Media  Social media has already begun to take on the role of providing commentary on papers. While these formats are not directly linked to papers, it is worth noting that people are using platforms like Twitter to discuss papers, e.g. [this disucssion on a recent astro-ph paper](