Josh Peek edited Linking  over 9 years ago

Commit id: 2ee6a11ce9fb605b0f79a165d7122132244a34e9

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# Linking Code  In the modern practice of astronomy a paper is often linked to a swath of computer code that outputs both the numerical conclusions of the paper (e. g. parameter estimates and errors) and the associated figures. Since reproducibility is a bedrock principle of the scientific method, we believe that easy access to underpinning code is crucial part of future publications.  ## Executable Figures  iPython Notebooks are a nice modern example. These notebooks act as code that can be annotated and executed on the web, allowing an interested reader to study and even modify a copy of the underpinning code, without contacting the authors or initiating a long investigation. [iPython  example from Hope's figure (**Hope**: please include figure/code here, via cut & paste) paste)]  ## Links to Software