WorldWide Telescope in Research and Publication

Connections to ADS

Sky-based access to ADS listings

The ADS All Sky Survey "Heat maps"

Speeding Contextualization

"See this Image on the Sky"

  • Via the Astronomy Image Explorer
  • Importing User Data

Communicating via Tours and Collections

"Quick" Tours

Tour Abstracts for Journals

Video abstracts are easily created in WorldWide Telsecope to introduce articles published in Academic and professional Journals. An example of such introduction for a paper entitled Radio Observations of the Galactic Center: Photoevaporative Proplyd-like Objects near Sgr A*, F. Yusef-Zadeh, D. A. Roberts, M. Wardle, W. Cotton, R. Schodel & M.J. Royster, to be published in ApJ Letters.

Collections for Quick Collaboration

Collections and Interactions with Archives