nickolas1 edited The simulation.tex  over 10 years ago

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\section{The simulation}  We simulated the collapse of a turbulent molecular cloud beginning from a sphere with fully developed turbulence. The initial conditions were taken from a periodic turbulent cube simulated with the ATHENA code \citep{2005JCoPh.205..509G,2008JCoPh.227.4123G,2008ApJS..178..137S,2009NewA...14..139S}. The turbulence was generated in a manner very similar to that of \citet{2008ApJ...682L..97L} and \citet{2009ApJ...691.1092L}. Briefly, on a $768^{3}$ grid we applied divergence-free velocity perturbations at every timestep to an initially uniform medium. The perturbations had a Gaussian random distribution with a Fourier power spectrum   \begin{equation}