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% $Id: finance.tex,v 1.14 1994/12/09 20:53:07 bies Exp $  %\input{stuff}  %\makeindex  %\begin{document}  \section{``Financialspeak'' conventions}  \index{financialspeak@``financialspeak''|(}  \label{list:finsp}  This section covers some of the constructions that are specific to texts  about financial happenings (hereafter, referred to as ``Financialspeak'').  Note that some of the treatments described below are not found in any  context outside Financialspeak.  \subsection{Salient features of Financialspeak text}  Annotators determine intuitively whether a particular set of tokens is  Financialspeak. Text that annotators consider to be Financialspeak tends  to have one or more of the following characteristics.  \begin{itemize}  \item It contains verbs like {\it rise, grow, increase, decrease, drop, fall,  jump, close, finish}, etc.  \item the entire file is a list of rising and falling stock or bond prices  \item rising and falling monies  \item repetitious sentence structures, centering around the above verbs  \item it's talking about financial stuff, but you don't really know what's  going on  \item there's no sensible way to interpret the sentence other than as  Financialspeak.  \end{itemize}  Though the Treebank has no precise way of delimiting Financialspeak, there  is a reasonable degree of agreement among annotators about when they are  bracketing Financialspeak.  \subsection{Bracketing conventions}  \index{financialspeak@``financialspeak''!bracketing conventions|(}  \subsubsection{Bracketing of {\it up/down}-phrases in VP}  \index{financialspeak@``financialspeak''!{\it up/down}\/-phrases in VP}  \begin{enumerate}  \item {\it Up/down}\/-phrases are bracketed ADVP-CLR when they immediately  follow the Financialspeak verbs listed above (particularly {\it closed,  settled\/} and {\it finished}\/) and when there are no other constituents. The  quantificational NP (i.e., {\it 5 points}) is attached as a complement of  {\it up} or {\it down}. \index{CLR@-CLR!in ``financialspeak''}  \begin{verbatim}  (S (NP-SBJ IBM)  (VP closed  (ADVP-CLR up  (NP 5 points))))  \end{verbatim}  \begin{verbatim}  (S (NP-SBJ IBM)  (VP finished  (ADVP-CLR down  (NP 5 points))))  \end{verbatim}  After copular verbs, {\it up/down}\/-phrases are labeled -PRD.  \begin{verbatim}  (S (NP-SBJ IBM)  (VP was  (ADVP-PRD up  (NP 5 points))))  \end{verbatim}  Non-{\it up/down}\/-phrases which are interpreted as describing the subject in  some way, and which follow non-copular verbs, may be interpreted as  secondary predication, as follows.  \begin{verbatim}  (S (NP-SBJ-1 IBM)  (VP finished  (S-ADV (NP-SBJ *-1)  (ADJP-PRD unchanged)))  .)  \end{verbatim}  \item If the VP contains an {\it up/down}\/-phrase followed by another  modifier, there is no defined policy dictating which item(s) receive -CLR.  The corpus may contain the following bracketings.  \begin{verbatim}  (S (NP-SBJ Copper)  (VP finished  (ADVP-CLR down  (NP 4.5 cents))  ,  (PP-CLR at  (NP (NP $ 1.2345 *U*)  (NP-ADV a pound))))  .)  \end{verbatim}  \begin{verbatim}  (S (NP-SBJ Copper)  (VP finished  (ADVP-CLR down  (NP 4.5 cents))  ,  (PP at  (NP (NP $ 1.2345 *U*)  (NP-ADV a pound))))  .)  \end{verbatim}  Note that constructions like {\it 4.5 cents lower}\/ are treated the  same as {\it up/down}\/-phrases. \index{CLR@-CLR!in ``financialspeak''}  \begin{verbatim}  (S (NP-SBJ Copper)  (VP finished  (ADVP-CLR (NP 4.5 cents)  lower)  ,  (PP-CLR at  (NP (NP $ 1.2345 *U*)  (NP-ADV a pound))))  .)  \end{verbatim}  \item If an item intervenes between an {\it up/down}\/-phrase and the  verb, and the {\it up/down}\/-phrase is a child of VP (see the next section  for ``Attachment''), the {\it up/down}\/-phrase does not receive -CLR.  \index{CLR@-CLR!in ``financialspeak''}  \begin{verbatim}  (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP Volume)  (PP-LOC on  (NP the first section)))  (VP was  (VP estimated  (NP *-1)  (PP-CLR at  (NP (QP 1 billion) shares))  ,  (ADVP up  (PP from  (NP (QP 914 million))  (NP-TMP Tuesday))))))  \end{verbatim}  \item Attachment: child of VP versus NP adjunct  When items intervene between an {\it up/down}\/-phrase and the verb, the  {\it up/down}\/-phrase is attached at VP level if it is possible to say:  ``[SBJ] [to be] [ADVP]''. As mentioned in the preceding section, the {\it  up/down}\/ phrase does not receive -CLR. \index{CLR@-CLR!in ``financialspeak''}  \begin{verbatim}  (S (NP-SBJ Sales)  (VP were  (NP-PRD (QP $ 1.25 billion) *U*)  ,  (ADVP down  (PP from  (NP (QP $ 1.36 billion) *U*)  (PP-TMP in  (NP the 1988 quarter))))))  \end{verbatim}  \begin{verbatim}  (S (NP-SBJ IBM)  (VP rose  (PP-DIR to  (NP 101))  ,  (ADVP up  (NP 3 %))))  \end{verbatim}  \begin{verbatim}  (S (NP-SBJ The Financial Times 100-share index)  (VP finished  (PP-CLR at  (NP 2161.9))  ,  (ADVP up  (NP 12.6 points))))  \end{verbatim}  Otherwise, (i.e., if one can't say ``[SBJ] [to be] [ADVP]''), the {\it  up/down}\/-phrase is attached to the NP.  (*The U.S. is up 2 billion from a year ago.)  \begin{verbatim}  (S (NP-SBJ The U.S.)  (VP imported  (NP (NP (QP 6 billion) barrels)  (PP of  (NP oil))  (ADVP *ICH*-1))  (NP-TMP this year)  ,  (ADVP-1 up  (NP (QP 2 billion))  (PP from  (ADVP-TMP (NP a year)  ago)))))  \end{verbatim}  \end{enumerate}  \subsubsection{-CLR on PPs associated with {\it sold, bought, estimate,  priced}} \index{CLR@-CLR!in ``financialspeak''}  \begin{verbatim}  (S (NP-SBJ-1 The Water Works)  (VP was  (VP sold  (NP *-1)  (PP-CLR for  (NP $500)))))  \end{verbatim}  \begin{verbatim}  (S (NP-SBJ-1 500 shares)  (VP were  (VP bought  (NP *-1)  (PP-CLR from  (NP the unsuspecting old lady)))))  \end{verbatim}  \begin{verbatim}  (S (NP-SBJ (NP PAFA's)  stock)  (VP sold  (PP-CLR at  (NP (NP $ 17 *U*)  (NP-ADV a share)))))  \end{verbatim}  \begin{verbatim}  (S (NP-SBJ-1 (NP convertible debentures)  (PP of  (NP AB&C)))  (VP were  (VP priced  (NP-2 *-1)  (PP-CLR at  (NP $ 400 *U*))  (S-CLR (NP-SBJ *-2)  (VP to  (VP yield  (NP 8%)))))))  \end{verbatim}  \subsubsection{PP-DIR and double complements} \index{DIR@-DIR}  \index{complements!double}  \begin{enumerate}  \item The prepositions {\it to}\/ and {\it from}\/ are labeled PP-DIR when  they are complements of a Financialspeak verb.  \item Financialspeak {\it to}\/ and {\it from}\/ are analyzed as optionally  taking two complements: a range and a time. The time will always  be tagged -TMP, and the range will have no dash tag. The possibilities are  \begin{enumerate}  \item {\it to/from}\/ {\sc range}, {\sc time}  \item {\it to/from}\/ {\sc range}  \item{\it to/from}\/ {\sc time}  \end{enumerate}  \item Both {\sc range}\/ and {\sc time}\/ will be bracketed as complements  of the preposition (i.e., attached at the same level, as children of the  PP).  \item Examples:  \begin{itemize}  \item {\sc range}  \begin{verbatim}  (S (NP-SBJ IBM)  (VP rose  (NP-EXT 3 %)  (PP-DIR to  (NP (QP 101 1/2)))))  \end{verbatim}  \item {\sc time}  \begin{verbatim}  (S (NP-SBJ (NP The  (ADJP West German)  machinery and plant equipment industry 's)  orders)  (VP rose  (NP-EXT an inflation-adjusted 1 %)  (PP-TMP in  (NP September))  (PP-DIR from  (NP-TMP a year earlier))))  \end{verbatim}  \item {\sc range}, {\sc time}  \begin{verbatim}  ( (S (NP-SBJ Annual inflation)  (VP rose  (PP-DIR to  (NP 3.64 %)  (PP-TMP in  (NP October)))  (PP-DIR from  (NP 3.55 %)  (PP-TMP in  (NP September))))  .))  \end{verbatim}  \end{itemize}  \item Miscellaneous note:  {\bf Only in Financialspeak, and only when the ``mother PP'' is a PP-DIR,  can temporal modifiers be put inside a PP}\/ as in this example:  \begin{verbatim}  (S (NP-SBJ unconsolidated pretax profit)  (VP increased  (NP-EXT 70 %)  (PP-DIR to  (NP (QP 12.12 billion) yen))  (PP-TMP in  (NP (NP the first half)  (VP ended  (NP-TMP Sept. 30))))  ,  (PP-DIR from  (NP (QP 7.12 billion) yen)  (ADVP-TMP (NP a year)  ago))))  \end{verbatim}  Otherwise, -TMP things go at S or VP level:  \begin{verbatim}  (S (PP-LOC In  (NP active trading))  (PP-TMP on  (NP Tuesday))  ,  (NP-SBJ IBM)  (VP vanished))  \end{verbatim}  \begin{verbatim}  (S (NP-SBJ Bats)  (VP invaded  (NP my apartment)  (PP-TMP at  (NP midnight))  (NP-TMP Friday)))  \end{verbatim}  \end{enumerate}  \index{financialspeak@``financialspeak''!bracketing conventions|)}  \subsection{Financialspeak bracketing conventions covered elsewhere in this  manual:} \index{financialspeak@``financialspeak''!miscellaneous}  For information about QPs, see \RefNPmod.  For information about -EXT, see \RefNotation.  \index{financialspeak@``financialspeak''|)}  %\printindex  %\end{document}         
