test1234567 deleted Id_the_the_tex_v_1__.tex  about 9 years ago

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% $Id: the_the.tex,v 1.18 1994/12/09 07:28:21 robertm Exp $  %\input{stuff}  %\makeindex  %\begin{document}  \section{Correlative {\it the}\/-Clauses}  \index{correlative the-clauses@correlative {\it the}\/-clauses|(}  \index{the...the@{\it the...the}|(}  \label{list:the}  Treatment of proportional clauses introduced by the fronted correlative  {\it the...the}\/ is based upon the following schematic bracketing:  \begin{verbatim}  (S (SBAR-ADV (X the sooner)  (S our vans hit the road each morning))  ,  (X the easier)  it is for us to fulfill that obligation  .)  \end{verbatim}  Annotators were to try to approximate the above bracketing as best they  could for {\it the...the}\/ constructions encountered in the WSJ corpus.  {\it The...the}\/ policy was not a high priority for the Treebank, due to the  rarity and irregular nature of these constructions, so a more specific  policy does not exist.  The following examples show how some sentences from the corpus {\bf might}\/  have been bracketed:  \begin{verbatim}  ( (S (SBAR-ADV (X The sooner)  (S (NP-SBJ our vans)  (VP hit  (NP the road)  (NP-TMP each morning))))  ,  (X the easier)  (NP-SBJ (NP it)  (SBAR *EXP*-1))  (VP is  (ADJP-PRD *?*)  (SBAR-1 for  (S (NP-SBJ us)  (VP to  (VP fulfill  (NP that obligation))))))  .))  \end{verbatim}  \begin{verbatim}  (S (SBAR-ADV (X the more)  (S (NP-SBJ a scandal)  (VP has  (S (NP-SBJ *)  (VP to  (VP do  (PP-CLR with  (NP (NP (NP a congressman 's)  duties)  (PP as  (NP a congressman))))))))))  ,  (X the  (ADJP less likely))  (NP-SBJ it)  (VP is  (S (NP-SBJ *)  (VP to  (VP catch  (NP (NP the fancy)  (PP of  (NP a network))))))))  \end{verbatim}  \begin{verbatim}  (S (SBAR-ADV (X the more)  (S (NP-SBJ he)  (VP muzzles  (NP his colleagues))))  ,  (X the more)  (NP-SBJ leaks)  (VP will  (VP pop  (PRT up)  (PP-LOC all around  (NP Washington)))))  \end{verbatim}  \begin{verbatim}  ( (S ``  (SBAR-ADV (X The less)  (S (NP-SBJ they)  (VP know  (NP *?*))))  ,  (X the easier)  (NP-SBJ it)  (VP is  (PP for  (NP us)))  .))  \end{verbatim}  \begin{verbatim}  (S (SBAR-ADV (X The more)  (S (NP-SBJ we)  (VP think  (PP-CLR about  (NP it)))))  ,  (X the more)  (NP-SBJ we)  (VP suspect  (SBAR 0  (S (NP-SBJ Mr. Brady)  (VP does  (ADVP indeed)  (VP have  (NP enough power)  (SBAR-LOC (WHADVP-1 where)  (S (NP-SBJ he)  (ADVP-TMP already)  (VP is  (ADVP-LOC-PRD *T*-1)))))))))  .)  \end{verbatim}  \begin{verbatim}  (S (NP-SBJ A trader)  (VP said  (SBAR that  (X (SBAR-ADV (X the more)  (S (NP-SBJ an issue)  (VP gained  (NP *?*)  (ADVP-TMP recently))))  ,  (X the sharper)  (NP (NP the loss)  (VP sustained  (NP *)  (NP-TMP Wednesday))))))  .)  \end{verbatim}  \begin{verbatim}  ( (S (SBAR-ADV (X The more factories and robots)  (S (NP-SBJ Japanese manufacturers)  (VP add  (NP *?*))))  ,  (S (X the more)  (NP-SBJ-1 they)  (VP will  (VP be  (ADJP-PRD able  (S (NP-SBJ *-1)  (VP to  (VP export  (NP *?*))))))))  , and  (S (X the less)  (NP-SBJ-2 their domestic customers)  (VP will  (VP need  (S (NP-SBJ *-2)  (VP to  (VP import  (NP *?*)))))))  .))  \end{verbatim}  \index{correlative the-clauses@correlative {\it the}\/-clauses|)}  \index{the...the@{\it the...the}|)}  %\printindex  %\end{document}         
