How do I Paste a Reference?

  1. First of all, click the right of the word where you want to put a reference or citation.
  2. Then, click on the "cite" button at the top of the window
  3. Then there are many different ways in which you can put a citation:
  4. One way is to search citations in your own bibtex database (you can export your endnote references into a bibtex database named biblio.bib (it is always biblio.bib) and you can locally search with the first name last name or title of the reference.
  5. OR, you can type the name of the person whom you want to cite in the reference search key and search either pubmed or crossref.
  6. When the citation appears, just click to cite the reference.
  7. You will see that the citation with appropriate style next to where you clicked in step 2 and the full reference will be placed in the reference section or bibliography section.


Search from the web and cite:

Let's say you are citing WHOQoL. The WHOQoL was designed by \cite{who1994}. Further Kabanov et al described the process, and you want to add Kabanov's article citation. So, you do a google scholar citation search, find out about Kabanov's article, and locate the bibtex file and then copy and paste the bibtex citation format to the reference list here (click on add/edit next to references and the file that opens up, you stick or paste the bibtex code).

Then, next to Kabanov or wherever you want to cite, put the cursor key, and click cite \cite{kabanovdevelopment}

If you save and close the box, you will see Kabanov's citation neatly positioned and the reference is also written in the bibliography section. if you see something like kabanov:@article, it means, they did not put the year of publication. You can go and correct it manually.