authorea bugs

  • clip-path doesn't seem to work
    • possibly because using clip-path="url(#plot1clip) we refer to elements like #plot1clip which are local to the iframe? Weird, just guessing
  • doesn't accept <div id='id'>, pretends <div id="id"> (not sure this is a bug but I use ' usually)
500 pages

The website is responsive hence when resizing the window the width changes, while the figures width is fixed (being set by To clarify this, I usually set a window.onresize function to update all geometries so that everything is OK at all window sizes. It's a bit of work to keep track of everything but it pays off with responsive sites. For those who care, I'd give the chance to have the frame change its size.
A possible solution would be setting a resize parameter in

width: 800
height: 600
resize: true

This could also keep the width/height proportion in case the width of the frame changes because of the responsive layout.

Another problem is being able to set a width greater than the authorea column width or a height greater than the window innerHeight. A possible solution would be:

width: max, 4
height: max, 3

This would keep the frame size at a ratio width/height = 4/3, maximizing width or height depending on window innerWidth/innerHeight (resize would be true by default in this case).

  • can't link local resources even using ?raw=true because of bad encoding

  • if this gets fixed, to avoid overhead when developing locally, I'd prefer not having to use master/file/ but rather:

    • refer to the "local" path of the article (<script type="text/javascript" src="figures/figure_1/index.js?raw=true">)
    • even better, refer to the "local" path of the figures (<script type="text/javascript" src="figure_1/index.js"> or <link rel="stylesheet" href="commons/scaffolding.css"> / <link rel="stylesheet" href="figure_1/style.css">)
  • also if this gets fixed, for the same reason I'd avoid using ?raw=true, like:

    • to see the files in editable mode
    • for html inclusion