Method Glossary

Here, I briefly describe what each method used in the tutorial does. If you want extra information on the method, read the help page! (?method_name ).

read.csv() : returns a data frame with the data stored in a csv file.

mean() : returns the mean of a variable.

var() : returns the variance of a variable.

sd() : returns the standard deviation of a variable.

median() : returns the median of a variable.

summary() : returns a collection of summary statistics for a variable; mix, max, median, mean, 1st quartile and 3rd quartile.

tapply() : apply a method (e.g. mean() ) to a variable using a grouping factor (e.g. Genus)

levels() : returns the levels of a factor.

strsplit() : splits a string into pieces whenever a separator (e.g. “,”) occurs.

as.character() : cast an object to character. This the same as to say, treat this as if it was a character.

data.frame() : object to store data matrices.

cbind() : combine columns; you mostly used it to add columns to a dataset. The method rbind() works for rows.

sqrt() : returns the square root of a number.

length() : returns the length of a list.

names() : returns the names of the variables within an objects. You can use it to return the names of the columns in a data frame.

ls() : list the objects in my workspace.

rm() : remove an object in my workspace.

head() : return the first 10 lines of a data frame

na.omit : ignore rows with missing data (NA) : constructs and executes a function call from a name or a function and a list of arguments to be passed to it. (I took this directly from the help page!)