Ok. Now lets start with Homework 1.

First thing you need to know where your data is. In my system, I have all the Geostatistics data in my repositories folder which I can find in my home directory (/home/sevra ). The direction of your datafile is called the path. In my case it is /Users/sevra/Repos/Geostatistics/Data/10.5061.dryad.r2170/Yasuhara_Tab2-USNM.csv . In your case, the path to the file will look different.

Now you can load the data into R using the read.csv command we just used before. In R, type:

>homework_1_data<-read.csv("/Users/sevra/Repos/Geostatistics/Data/10.5061\/dryad.r2170/Yasuhara_Tab2-USNM.csv", head=T)

Question: what is the option head=T doing?1.

Ok. Now you have an object in R storing the data you need to complete homework 1.

Say you want to take a look at the data you just uploaded to R, type >head(homework_1_data) to ask R to display the first lines (i.e. the head) of your data matrix2. Say you don’t know anymore which objects you have in your Workspace3, type >ls() to tell R to list them. Or say you want to remove an object you don’t need anymore, type >rm(name_of_object_to_delete_here) to tell R you want to delete something4.

Good. Now, what happens if only want to know the names of the variables (columns) in my data matrix? You type >names(homework_1_data) and voila, you get them.

  1. Remember you can read the help every now and then

  2. This is convenient if you work with large matrices

  3. When you execute R, you create an R Session with an R Workspace were you objects live

  4. Be careful, there is no way to recover what you delete