Christer Watson edited subsection_Infall_Four_sources_N62__.tex  almost 9 years ago

Commit id: da88fb6aa1960f0108a3ade1fa671008d45d2f0e

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\rho = \frac{M}{4/3 \pi R^3}  \end{equation}  If we use the GBT beamsize, adjusted for the near kinematic distance, for R, then we calculate a mass infall rate of 3 $\times$ 10$^{-5}$ M$_\odot$/yr. The dominant source of error in this calculation is likely due to the infall velocity. We estimate the uncertainty to be about a factor of 2.This result is consistent with massive or intermediate-mass star formation.  However, if we used a smaller value for R, as suggested by the small source size visible in the 8 $\mu$m GLIMPSE image, the mass infall rate would be proportionally smaller (by a factor of about 3). This result is consistent with massive or intermediate-mass star formation.  For the infall analysis, we have assumed an optically thick line. An alternative interpretation of these three line-profiles is that they are caused by alignment of two clouds along the line-of-sight. Observing an optically-thin tracer, such as $^{34}$CS would distinguish between these interpretations since the infall-model would predict a single-peak whereas the two cloud model predicts a double-peak.