Christer Watson edited subsection_CS_Mapping_The_three__.tex  almost 9 years ago

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\subsection{CS Mapping}  The three maps of CS in N56, N65, and N77 (Figs. \ref{N56map}-\ref{N77map}) show evidence of supersonic gas motion surrounding in areas near  each YSO. N56 has a weak peak in CS that corresponds to a velocity shift of $\sim$2 km/s above in  the gas immediately to the north. N65 has a clear, strong comma-like shape to the CS emission. The peak in emission is clearly near the top of the shape, but there is a slight, secondary peak below and to the right in Fig 3a. There is also a shift in gas velocity of $\sim$1 km/s at the same location. We interprete interpret  the secondardy secondary  peak, shift in first-moment map and the double-gaussian peak from single pointing spectra as all caused by two overlapping clouds at different velocities. The least distinct of the regions, N77 shows weak emission with some evidence of shifts in velocity of $\sim$1 km/s. These shifts could be caused by several mechanics: outflow from or infall toward the YSO or shock-induced velocity shifts caused by the expanding HII region. The limited nature of the data prevents an exclusive interpretation.