Kathryn Devine edited subsection_CS_Mapping_The_three__.tex  almost 9 years ago

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\subsection{CS Mapping}  The three regions mapps maps of CS  inCS,  N56, N62 N62,  and N77, N77  show evidence of supersonic gas motion surrounding each YSO. N56 has a weak peak in CS that corresponds to a velocity shift of $\sim$2 km/s above the gas immediately to the north. N65 has a clear, strong comma-like shape to the CS emission. Oddly, the peak in emission is clearly near the top of the shape, but there is a shift in gas velocity of $\sim$1 km/s about midway down the comma-shape. Least distinct of the regions, N77 shows weak emission with some evidence of shifts in velocity of $\sim$1 km/s. These shifts could be caused by several mechanics: outflow from or infall toward the YSO or shock-induced velocity shifts caused by the expanding HII region. The limited nature of the data prevents of from an exclusive interpretation.