Christer Watson edited Results.tex  over 9 years ago

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Z_{rot} &=& .8556\; T_{ex}-0.10\\  F(T) &=& \frac{1}{e^{h\nu/k_BT}-1}.\\  \end{eqnarray}  The dipole moment line strength ($\mu^2_{el}$ S) is taken from the JPL spectral line catalog (citation?), as is the equation for the (citation?). The  partition functio (Z$_{rot}$). function (Z$_{rot}$) is a linear fit to JPL data between T=NN-MM K.  T$_{bg}$ was taken to be the cosmic microwave background temperature, 2.725 K. \begin{table}[]  \label{fitting}  \caption{Gaussian fitting parameters for CS detections.}