Christer Watson edited Three_sources_N62_1_N90_2_and__.tex  almost 9 years ago

Commit id: bc3ddfcfa9aad445259fdb897eb8bd7067e1b627

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v_{in} \approx \frac{\sigma^2}{v_{red} - v_{blue}} \ln\left( \frac{1+e T_{BD}/T_D}{1+e T_{RD}/T_D}\right)  \end{equation}  When the optical depth and V$_{in}$/$\sigma$ are sufficient large, the red peak can disappear (see Myers et al. 1996 for discussion of this effect). Thus, we are limited in our numerical analysis tojust  N117_3. Our line profile measurements and infall velocity calculation are given in Table X. Since we do not have an optically thin measurement of this source, we have assumed the value of the velocity dispersion.  \begin{table}[]  \begin{tabular}{rr}  Object &N117_3\\  T_{BD} &0.9 K\\  T_{RD} &0.2 K\\  T_D &1.1 K\\  v_{blue} &38.4 km/s\\  v_{red} &40.9 km/s\\  $\sigma$ &1.0 km/s\\  \end{tabular}  \end{table}