Christer Watson edited Three_sources_N62_1_N90_2_and__.tex  almost 9 years ago

Commit id: 6c824d0431a3a9d26f94053d75ffa9374f7d565c

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Using the mid-IR integrated fluxes for toward N117_3 as measured by Herschel/Hi-Gal and assuming the near kinematic distance (4.4 kpc), we can estimate the mass and mass accretion rate. The mid-IR fluxes can be fit using the same modified blackbody model described above, yielding as mass of 96 M$_\odot$. We can further roughly estimate the mass infall rate using:  \begin{equation}  \odot  M_{in} = 4 \pi R^2 v_{in} \rho \end{equation}