Christer Watson edited Results.tex  almost 9 years ago

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\section{Results}  Eighteen sources displayed emission greater than 3$\sigma$. A typical spectrum is shown in Figure \ref{N92spectrum}. Emission lines were fit using the standard Gaussian fitting routine in GBTIDL. Fitting parameters (amplitude in T$_A^*$ units, central velocity and velocity width) width, in sigma)  are listed in Table \ref{fitting}. For sources that displayed a double peak, two simultaneous gaussian functions were fit to the emission and are listed in consecutive rows. Column densities were calculated assuming LTE, optically thin emission and an excitation temperature T$_{ex}$=15 K. CS has been observed to be optically thick (citation), which would make our calculated column density a lower limit. Given these assumptions we used the following relation: \begin{equation}  N_{CS} = \frac{3 k_B \epsilon_0}{2 \pi^2}\frac{1}{\nu \mu^2_{el}S}\frac{Z_{rot}(T_{ex})}{g_K g_I}\frac{e^{E_u/k_B T_{ex}}}{1-\frac{F(T_{bg})}{F(T_{ex})}}\int T_{MB}dv  \end{equation} 

\label{fitting}  \caption{Gaussian fitting parameters for CS detections.}  \begin{tabular}{lllllll}  Name &l ($^\circ$) &b ($^\circ$) &T$_A^*$ (K) &Vel$_{LSR}$ (km/s) &$\Delta$v &$\sigma$  (km/s) &N$_{CS}$ (x10$^{14}$ cm$^{-2}$)\\ \hline  N62 1 & 34.352 & 0.192 & 0.6 & 57.6 & 0.9 & 1.70 \\  & & & 1.8 & 56.4 & 1.2 & 6.55 \\ 

\end{tabular}  \end{table}  The three mapped regions are shown as boxes overlaid on the GLIMPSE 8 $\mu$m imagines in Figures X-Y. Observations were calibrated and edited to just those regions with emission. These interesting regions were then inserted "by hand" into a FITS file using IDL. The FITS-format datacubes were then analyzed using CASA. The standard moment maps (total intensity, average velocity and velocity width) are shown next to the corresponding 8 $\mu$m emission images.