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Christer Watson edited Analysis.tex  over 9 years ago

Commit id: 5aea1ac4c82da5eade26e93a175c1a8805e3e1a6

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I = 3.73\times 10^{-16} B_{mod}(860 GHz)\left(\frac{1"}{\theta}\right)^2\\  \kappa = \kappa_{1.3mm} \left(\frac{\lambda}{1.3mm}\right)^{-\beta}\\  \end{equation}  where 3.73 x 10$^{-16}$ converts the surface brightness from Jy/sq arcsec to SI units. We make the following assumptions: $\kappa_{1.3mm}$ = 0.11 $\frac{m^2}{kg}$, appropriate for ice-covered dust grains from OH94, $\theta$=15.0", the beamsize of the GBT at 49 GHz, the mean molecular weight $\mu$ = 2.3 andmass to  dust to mass  ratio $R_d$ = 100. 1/100.  The blackbody functions use $\nu$=860 GHz as a reference frequency to calculate the total gas column density, but the choice of frequency does not affect the final calculation.