Christer Watson edited subsection_Infall_Four_sources_N62__.tex  almost 9 years ago

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v_{in} \approx \frac{\sigma^2}{v_{red} - v_{blue}} \ln\left( \frac{1+e T_{BD}/T_D}{1+e T_{RD}/T_D}\right)  \end{equation}  When the optical depth and V$_{in}$/$\sigma$ are sufficient large, the red peak can disappear (see Myers et al. 1996 for discussion of this effect). Thus, we are limited in our numerical analysis to N117-3. We estimated the relevant line parameters by eye.  Our line profile measurements and infall velocity calculation are given in Table \ref{infalltable}. Since we do not have an optically thin measurement of this source, we have assumed the value of the velocity dispersion. N65-2, the other source which shows a non-gaussian line shape, is stronger on the red-shifted side. This shape is not consistent with the infall model of Myers et al. (1996). This shape could be caused by two unrelated clouds along the line of the sight. There is further evidence of this interpretation in the map of N65 (see discussion below).   \begin{table}  \begin{tabular}{rr}  Object &N117_3\\ 

An alternative interpretation of these three line-profiles is that they are caused by alignment of two clouds along the line-of-sight. Observing an optically-thin tracer, such as $^{34}$CS would distinguish between these interpretations since the infall-model would predict a single-peak whereas the two cloud model predicts a double-peak.    N65-2, the other source which shows a non-gaussian line shape, is stronger on the red-shifted side. This shape is not consistent with the infall model of Myers et al. (1996). This shape could be caused by two unrelated clouds along the line of the sight. There is further evidence of this interpretation in the map of N65 (see discussion below).