Christer Watson edited Observations.tex  almost 9 years ago

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Data were calibrated and analyzed using GBTIDL. Typical system temperatures were between 105 K and 120 K. Typical rms noise in the resulting calibrated spectra was 0.20 K. Additionally, we mapped three regions (N56, N65 2 and N77 1) that displayed strong CS emission. The map sizes were 1'x1' (N56 and N77-1) and 2'x2' (N65-2), both using a step-size of 6.12". Non-detections and detections are listed in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.  Hi-Gal observations, observations \cite{Molinari_2010},  a Herschel Space Telescope survey, of these regions were also analyzed. Data were downloaded from the Spitzer Science Center website. Level 2 data products were used. \begin{table}[]  \begin{tabular}{rrr}  Name &l($^\circ$) &b($^\circ$)\\