Kathryn Devine edited Analysis.tex  over 8 years ago

Commit id: 28353291c166f0eedb007a8145b3b8f87ee0dbd4

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\begin{equation}  B_{mod} =B_0 \frac{h^2\nu^{3+\beta}}{c^3}\frac{1}{e^{\frac{h\nu}{kT}}-1}  \end{equation}  where $\beta$ is assumed to be 2 \cite{D_sert_2008}. B$_0$ and T were taken as free parameters and a Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm was used to find the best-fit. best fit.  The fitting was done to the flux density in Jy, so B$_0$ carries these units. The total column density was calculated following Miettinen \& Harju (2010). Briefly, we used the following relations: \begin{equation}  N_{tot} = \frac{I}{B_\nu \mu m_H \kappa R_d}\\  B_\nu = \frac{2 h \nu^3}{c^2 (e^\frac{h \nu}{kT}-1)}\\