Number theory

description command output
divides | \(|\)
does not divide \not | \(\not|\)
div \operatorname{div} \(\operatorname{div}\)
mod \mod \(\operatorname{mod}\)
greatest common divisor \gcd \(\gcd\)
ceiling \lceil x \rceil \(\lceil x\rceil\)
floor \lfloor x \rfloor \(\lfloor x\rfloor\)

Geometry and trigonometry

description command output
angle \angle ABC \(\angle ABC\)
degree 90^{\circ} \(90^{\circ}\)
triangle \triangle ABC \(\triangle ABC\)
segment \overline{AB} \(\overline{AB}\)
sine \sin \(\sin\)
cosine \cos \(\cos\)
tangent \tan \(\tan\)
cotangent \cot \(\cot\)
secant \sec \(\sec\)
cosecant \csc \(\csc\)
inverse sine \arcsin \(\arcsin\)
inverse cosine \arccos \(\arccos\)
inverse tangent \arctan \(\arctan\)

Symbols (in text mode)

The followign symbols do not have to be surrounded by dollar signs.

description command output
dollar sign \$ $
percent \% %
ampersand \& &
pound \# #
backslash \textbackslash \
left quote marks ``
right quote marks ''
single left quote `
single right quote '
hyphen X-ray X-ray
en-dash pp. 5--15 pp. 5–15
em-dash Yes---or no? Yes—or no?