Calculated rotational splittings \(\delta\nu\) for \(\ell=1\) mixed modes near \(\nu_*\), the frequency of the p-dominated mode closest to \(\nu_{\rm max}\approx190 \mu\)Hz (top panel). The splittings are calculated from our \(1.5{{{}{{{}{\mathrm{M}}}_\odot}}}\) models for different assumptions of angular momentum transport and initial rotational velocities. The minimum splitting of \(\delta\nu_{n,1} = 0.135 \mu\)Hz observed for \({\rm{KIC}8366239}\) is shown by the horizontal line for reference. The corresponding angular velocity profiles are shown in the bottom panel as a function of normalized radial coordinate. Models where the diffusion of angular momentum from Tayler-Spruit dynamo fields has been artificially enhanced by a factor of 100 are shown as dashed lines. \label{splitting}