Several classes of OB star models are found to be linearly unstable against non-radial pulsations, among which are the \(\beta~Cephei\) stars and the slowly pulsating B stars \citep[e.g., ][]{2001A&A...366..166D,1999AcA....49..119P}. The key ingredient required for the pulsational instability is the iron opacity peak described in Sect. \ref{method}. As convection is not required to produce the pulsations in these models, it is not considered in detail as excitation mechanism \citep{2008arXiv0812.2149D}. It is conceivable that the convective excitation could modify the predicted pulsation spectrum and/or extend the instability region of certain linear instabilities. The convective kinetic energy flow into waves could be predominantly directed into those modes for which instability is predicted in the models. In certain parts of the HR diagram, one may thus suspect an intricate connection between the occurrence of a sub-photospheric iron convection zone and the properties of non-radial pulsations.