Deeper, Easier Citations

Many scientists already use some kind of reference management system, whether it is a giant .bbl library alongside their local TeX installation, an ADS Private Libraray, or more sophisticated generalized solutions like EndNote, Papers, Mendeley, Zotero, etc.

Inserting citations using any of these tools is relatively easy in nearly any of the online authoring systems discussed above (e.g. Authorea, shareLaTeX, writeLaTeX).

If an astronomer uses Authorea, inserting a reference is as simple as cutting & pasting the URL from ADS into the "cite" command. Cut and pasting DOI links also work in Authorea, as well as in other tools.

Generally, the whole business of citing material that has any kind of online identifier will continue to get easier and easier, and the challenge will be for publishers (and authors) to make the best use of the resulting accidental and purposeful specialized bibliographies.\cite{Kurtz_2010}