I. <u>The state of art of biosensor
Technology :</u></b><br></p><p>&nbsp;1. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<u>The technique design of biosensor process:</u><br></p><p>The design and fabrication art of
biosensors can configuring of two types: the label free and label based. Each
technique depends on the application. The figure 4 shows that principle of
technique design structure of biosensor (). Label free technique usually depend
on the change of the surface which use a lot of optical to analysis such
as&nbsp; surface Plasmon Resonance ,Mass spectrometry
, Acoustics wave , surface stress . The example of research Fabrication of
Electrochemical _DNA Biosensors for the Reagent less Detection of Nucleic Acids,
Proteins and small molecules of&nbsp;detects
proteins and DNA[<cite class="ltx_cite" data-bib-text="@article{Rowe_2011,
	doi = {10.3791/2922},
	url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.3791/2922},
	year = 2011,
	publisher = {{MyJove} Corporation},
	number = {52},
	author = {Aaron A. Rowe and Ryan J. White and Andrew J. Bonham and Kevin W. Plaxco},
	title = {Fabrication of Electrochemical-{DNA} Biosensors for the Reagentless Detection of Nucleic Acids,
Proteins and Small Molecules},
	journal = {Journal of Visualized Experiments}
}" data-bib-key="Rowe_2011" contenteditable="false"><a href="#Rowe_2011">Rowe 2011</a></cite> ]. As the summary they have successful fabricate sensors for
detect of a target DNA sequence in polymerase chain reaction mixture, an HIV
specific antibody and drug cocaine (3) .Label free has used mass spectrometry Technique,
surface Plasmon resonance or optical method techniques. Label based technique
based on the properties material change color base on fluorescence,
chemiluminescence ...etc. However with the technique design, it has advantages
and disadvance in design of art biosensor cantilever. We can introduction and
analysis of each device with application. <br></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><div><br></div>